Sally the farm dog

On Sunday, January 26, our 2-year-old Beagle pup was mauled by a neighbor’s dog. She had gone to visit her friend, a Great Pyrenees, when another dog – used for breeding and kept in a kennel at all times – got out and attacked Sally. The Pyrenees tried to pull Sally away from the other dog. A lot of damage was done before the owner of the breeder dog became aware and pulled his dog off Sally.
Sally hurt1
Sally lost a lot of blood and the emergency vet was afraid she would go into shock. So they kept her overnight on an IV until she was stable. The next morning, 17 hours after the attack, the vet worked for an hour repairing the damage. Sally came home Monday evening with stitches, drains in the nastier wounds, antibiotics and pain meds.

Thursday (4 days after the attack) Sally is resting easy.
Sally Day 4

The following Sunday (a week later), Sally is feeling pretty good. Her drains have been removed and she thinks she should be able to go out and run free. Not happening. We are keeping her wounds clean and hope the stitches will come out on Wednesday.
Sally wants to go

It’s hard to keep a good dog down.